Are Tecno Phones Durable To Buy In Pakistan 2023
Azeem Ahmed

The durability of smartphones has come into question after Apple made the iPhone 6. After the entire slimmest phone on the market trend, manufacturers started to shift towards more durable phones.

The same is true for Tecno Mobile Phones, who’ve just started to gain attraction in the Pakistani smartphone market. The main question that any potential buyer has is, “Are Tecno phones durable enough to buy in Pakistan?”

Today, I’m going to answer this question for you, and I’ll also be going over why the durability of phones is important.

For this article, we’ll be covering the following topics of discussion:

  • Why the durability of the phones is important
  • Are Tecno Phones Durable Enough to Buy in Pakistan


Let’s start by discussing the importance of the durability of phones.

Why the Durability of the Phones Is Important

Tecno Phones

Durability is an important property of all smartphones and not only Tecno phones, as it helps to protect these devices from damage over time. This can include physical wear and tear, as well as exposure to moisture or other environmental factors that could impact the functioning of a phone.

If you were following the news on smartphones by the time the iPhone 6 came out, then you must know that it was notoriously known for bending at some weak points. This resulted in many phones breaking and flushing people’s money down the drain.

To be honest, this wasn’t entirely Apple’s fault because they were just following the latest trend at the time in which the general public wanted more slim and slander smartphones. Every smartphone manufacturers were on this hype train, but with the misfortune that Apple faced, the who fad died down.

A smartphone’s durability is influenced by several factors that not everyone knows about. One key factor is the materials used in the design and construction of the device itself, such as high-quality plastic or metal components that help prevent damage from impact or falls. Additionally, many phones also have protective coatings on their screens and other surfaces, which help keep them looking newer for longer.

Tecno Phones

Another important aspect of durability is how well a phone holds up over time when exposed to moisture, extreme temperatures, or pressure applied to it. Many phones are rated for water resistance, meaning that they can be safely used in the rain or around sources of moisture without any risk of damage. 

Similarly, many devices also have special features to protect against extreme temperatures and other environmental conditions, which helps keep them working properly over time. Many tech reviewers have made a living out of testing the durability of a smartphone. I myself follow them because they help me identify which devices can withstand wear and tear better than others, so I can make an informative decision.

In general, durability is an important consideration when buying a new or even used smartphone. By looking for phones that offer high-quality materials and protective features, you can help ensure that your device will stay functional and look great for years to come.

Are Tecno Phones Durable Enough to Buy in Pakistan

Tecno Phones


Now, moving towards the main question of today’s article, do Tecno phones have enough durability for the general public living in Pakistan? Since Tecno is a relatively new company, many people aren’t aware of how good the phones that they manufacture are.

Previously, I owned a Tecno Pova Neo, and I can assure you that Tecno does make durable phones. One thing that I should tell you moving forward is that I’m a bit reckless with my personal devices.

One time when I was travelling with my friends to Multan, I dropped my phone out of the car. As soon as the phone fell from my hands, I felt a sinking sensation in my gut. I searched for my phone after stopping at the car, and I was flabbergasted when I saw that it was still working. Granted, it did have some scuffs, and the screen got broken, but I was still able to use it like any other phone. I consider myself the lucky one because after it first hit the ground, it flew right in some bushes cushioning its fall. Not many phones can survive a fall like that.

So, in conclusion to my thoughts, Yes! The Tecno phones are durable enough for a regular smartphone user in Pakistan.


Overall, Tecno phones are durable enough that if you take proper care of the phone, it can easily last you more than 2 years. I bought mine from Wise Market Pakistan on a recommendation of a friend. 

I normally don’t go with the online shopping method because there are a lot of scammers in the Pakistani market, but the service of Wise Market Pakistan was soo good that I even bought my next phone, which was the iPhone 12 Pro, from them again. It was a used phone, but frankly, it feels like a brand new phone that they just sent my way.

Plus, they also have a wide range of other Androids rangings from Samsung to Oppo. I also bought a few accessories from them, like smartwatches and earbuds, and all of them were in good condition.

So, if you ask for my recommendation, I’ll suggest Wise Market Pakistan because they provide the best devices for the best prices.
