Friends of PCA Lunch 2024 Highlights with Wise Market Pakistan
Haris Naveed

The current situation in Pakistan is causing a lot of families to suffer. Not only financially but also in other means. There are people who are currently suffering from the aftereffects of floods and earthquakes. That’s why PCA has been doing all it can to improve the living conditions of anyone they can help. That’s why with the help of Wise Market Pakistan, they organized an event called “Friends of PCA Lunch 2024”.

But hold on a minute. You might be wondering, “What is PCA, and why Wise Market Pakistan is invested in this event?” I’ll be answering all of this and much more.

Here are some of the topics that we’ll be covering in this blog.

  • What is PCA?
  • Highlight Friends of PCA Lunch 2024 event
  • Why Wise Market Pakistan is invested in this event

Now then let’s start with a short introduction to what PCA is.

What is PCA?

The Pakistan Citizens Alliance (PCA) is a real go-getter of an NGO, determined to lend a helping hand to those who need it most. It’s a prominent non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to providing support & assistance to various segments of the population facing challenges. They’re especially focused on education, with two elementary schools & scholarships giving underprivileged kids and orphans a shot at learning and growing.

But the PCA’s reach goes way beyond classrooms. They’ve got programs like “Defeat the Winter” and “Esaar e Ramazan” that bring communities together and make sure everyone has what they need, especially during tough times. 

And when disaster strikes, the PCA is always on the frontlines, which provides relief & support. With their disaster program, they make sure that no one gets left behind in the event of a crisis. They made sure that be it flood victims or earth quack victims, everyone gets the help they need.

Plus, community development projects play a crucial role in PCA’s approach. By actively involving community members in decision-making processes & project implementation, PCA fosters a sense of ownership & empowerment. This participatory model contributes to the sustainability of their initiatives.

In short, the PCA is like a superhero for the underprivileged in Pakistan. They’re always there, ready to fight for a better future, one good deed at a time.

Highlight Friends of PCA Lunch 2024 Event

The lunch was basically held in appreciation of all the sponsors and volunteers of PCA. It also included Wise Market Pakistan. This lunch was also held as a fundraiser, so PCA could help more people. There were so many well-known people and organizations that attended the event. 

One of the most prominent figures who attended this event was Dr. Nasira Iqbal. The daughter-in-law of the late Allama Muhammad Iqbal. She was the guest of honor of this entire event. She was the one who distributed souvenirs to some of the longest donors. 

One of the highlights of this event was the small play in which all of the children acted. Each group of children focused on the different aspects of the hardships that a poor family is facing in Pakistan. They also highlighted how PCA is helping to improve the lives of everyone. After which Wise Market and everyone enjoyed a wonderful lunch together.

Why Wise Market Pakistan Is Invested in This Event

Ok, the event was good and all but you might be wondering, “Why did Wise Market Pakistan attend this lunch?” As I mentioned before that Wise Market PK was one of the sponsors of the event. 

If you’re a long fan of ours then you know that we believe that e-waste is a major issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. We’ve been advocating for reforestation and reducing e-waste for a long while. That’s why we are the proud sponsors of PCA who believe in helping others and improving living standards for everyone. 

Wise Market Pakistan has taken a vow to tackle the menace of e-waste by promoting the culture of used mobile phones and other devices. We also sell new smart devices but the fact that more new devices mean the old devices become e-waste. This harms the overall environment which leads to bad living conditions for everyone. 

That’s why we play our part in removing e-waste and helping different organizations for the betterment of Pakistan. So, why wait? Help out as much as can and make this world better for our future generations.
